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Ukuqamba Okusha Kwezobuchwepheshe

Yakha izinkundla ezinhlanu ezibalulekile zocwaningo nentuthuko, okuhlanganisa isikhungo sikazwelonke sokuklama izimboni, indawo yokusebenza kazwelonke yocwaningo lwangemva kodokotela, kanye nesikhungo sobuchwepheshe bezinga lebhizinisi lesifunda esizimele. Sinamalungelo obunikazi asebenzayo ayi-106, abambe iqhaza ekwakhiweni kwamazinga kazwelonke ayi-15, futhi sathola imiklomelo eminingi efana ne-Guangxi Science and Technology Progress Award kanye ne-Industrial Science and Technology Progress Award. Sikalwe njengomunye wamabhizinisi amasha ayi-10 aphezulu e-Guangxi.

Ibambelela ekuthuthukisweni kwezobuchwepheshe kanye nentuthuko ehamba phambili, inkampani iyaqhubeka nokwandisa imizamo yayo yokusungula izinto ezintsha, ithuthukisa amakhono ayo okuqamba izinto ezintsha, ithuthukisa ngokuqhubekayo amandla ayo okusungula izinto ezintsha, futhi iqongelela impumelelo yokusungula izinto ezintsha zobuchwepheshe. Ngo-2020, inkampani yafaka isicelo samalungelo obunikazi angu-197, okuhlanganisa namalungelo obunikazi okusungulwa angu-161; Uthole imiklomelo emi-4 evela ku-Guangxi Science and Technology Progress Award, i-Dongfeng Motor Group Science and Technology Progress Award, uMqhudelwano we-8th Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship e-Liuzhou City, kanye nomklomelo wokuqala owodwa nomklomelo owodwa wesithathu ngamunye uvela kuma-Finals Wokuncintisana Wesifunda sase-Guangxi we-China Innovation. Ukuncintisana Kwendlela; Ngesikhathi esifanayo, qinisa ucwaningo nentuthuko ngokubambisana neqembu, futhi ugxilise izinsizakusebenza ezinenzuzo ukuze unqamule izingqinamba zobuchwepheshe.

Imiklomelo Yesayensi Nobuchwepheshe

I-Guangxi Science and Technology Progress Award

I-Dongfeng Motor Group Science and Technology Progress Award

I-Guangxi Industrial Design Award, i-Guangxi Excellent New Product Award

Umklomelo Wesibili Wemboni Yemishini YaseShayina Isayensi Nobuchwepheshe

Umklomelo Wesithathu Kwezesayensi Nobuchwepheshe Inqubekelaphambili Yemboni Yezimoto YaseChina

I-Technological Innovation Platform

2 izinkundla kazwelonke zokusungula

7 amapulatifomu emisha endaweni ezimele

2 izinkundla zokuqamba ezintsha zikamasipala

Izinga Lobuchwepheshe

6 amazinga kazwelonke

4 amazinga embonini

1 iqembu elijwayelekile

Ukuhlonishwa Kwezinto Ezintsha Zezobuchwepheshe

Amakhono Okuqamba Aphezulu ayi-10 e-Guangxi High tech Enterprises

Amabhizinisi aphezulu ayi-100 aphezulu e-Guangxi

Guangxi Famous Brand Products

Indondo Yegolide Embukisweni wesi-9 we-Guangxi Wokusungula kanye Nezimpumelelo Zokudala kanye Nombukiso Wohwebo

Umklomelo Wesithathu Weqembu Lokusungula Emqhudelwaneni Wentsha Yezimoto Yase-China kanye Nokuthuthukiswa Komnotho

Isimo samalungelo obunikazi avumelekile
