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Ukutholwa kwe-U-Tour

Uzuze ukuhlolwa kokuqala kwe-MPV kwezinkanyezi ezinhlanu


C-NCAP crash originated from China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd., referred to as China Automotive Research Institute for short, and China Automotive Research Institute is most famous for its C-NCAP crash test. I-C-NCAP yinhlangano yokuqala yokuhlola iqembu lesithathu eChina. Okuqukethwe kwalo kokuhlola ikakhulukazi kufaka amamojula amathathu:. Njengokuhlola okugunyaziwe kwezimoto okusemthethweni, i-C-NCAP izothuthukisa ngentshiseko i-Crash Crash Test Standard njalo ngesikhashana. Njengamanje, inguqulo yakamuva yinguqulo engama-2021 yemithetho ye-C-NCAP,Yikuphi uhlobo oluqinile kakhulu lokuhlolwa kwengozi kwe-C-NCAP.

. Therefore, it can be said that the 2021 edition of the C-NCAP regulation is an S-level difficult evaluation for MPV vehicle safety.


Nikeza ngesipiliyoni esibalulekile sereferensi yama-MPV Latecomers

Forthing U-Tour Car performs well in the 2021 edition of C-NCAP regulations. Ezintweni ezimbili ezintsha zokuhlola zokuvikelwa kwezingane, zonke zinamamaki aphezulu. Secondly, in the evaluation of leg protection in pedestrian protection projects, Forthing U-Tour Car successfully broke the limitations of the past and got full marks.




Izinga lamaphuzu wemodyuli yokuvikela umhlali kungu-86.51%

Setha i-Benchmark entsha yezokuphepha ukuze ivikele amalungu ezingane


. The difference between the 2021 version of C-NCAP code and the old version is that MPDB barrier is used instead of ODB barrier in the frontal middle offset overlapping collision condition; New dynamic and static evaluation of occupant protection for children aged 3 and 10 in the second row; The air curtain pressure keeping, E-call and the monitoring function of whether the rear SBR rides are added.

21.4684.163(kwezingu-5). The performance of Forthing U-Tour Car has set a new record. In addition, the performance of Forthing U-Tour Car in whipping test, static evaluation of child seat and other bonus items has also achieved very good results.


Lokhu kufakazela ukusebenza okuphakeme kwemoto ye-U-Tour ngokuphepha nje. Isidumbu semoto sakhiwe ngokusekelweI-EMA Super Cubic Isakhiwowomzimba wemotoinsimbi yokuba nensimbi enamandla ngaphezulu kwe-200MPA, Ngaphandle kwenhlangano ehlanganayo, nokuqinisa kwangaphambilion the front and middle rows of seats. Umugqa ophakathi wezihlalo ezizimele nezihlalo zezingane zakhekenzelwe kahle futhi kufaniswe, futhi zonke lezi zilungiselelo zibamba ngokuqinile umugqa ophansi wokuphepha okuhlala.


Imodyuli yokuvikela abahamba ngezinyawo ithola ama-67.32%

Ukuvikelwa komlenze kusetha irekhodi elisha lamamodeli we-MPV


uthole amamaki agcweleEkuhlolweni komlenze wokuvikelwa kwabahamba ngezinyawo, okubuye kube yimpumelelo ephayona ngokuthuthuka kwamamodeli we-MPV ekuvikelweni kwabahamba ngezinyawo.


This performance is due to the fact that the designer considered the importance of pedestrian protection in the initial design. Ngakho-ke, ukwakheka kwephrofayili yangaphambili kwenziwa kahle,.


Isilinganiso samaphuzu wemodyuli esebenzayo ngu-85.24%


Imodyuli esebenzayo ihlolwe ngokuhleleka okusebenzayo kwemoto. The new version of the code enriches the original function evaluation scenarios, adding AEB two-wheeled vehicle, LKA, LDW, BSD and SAS evaluation, and adding headlamp safety evaluation, including the illuminance performance, glare of low beam and high beam, and advanced lighting technology test.

Ngenxa yokucushwa kwezokuphepha okungu-12 kohlelo lokushayela oluyisikelwazi lwe-L2 + olusizwayo, uhlelo lokulawula ukuqina lwe-elekthronikhiAmamaki aphelele(ngamaphuzu angama-38) kwi-auto ezenzakalelayo yesimo esiphuthumayo se-AEB yento yokuhlola; Among the optional audit items, the items such as lane departure LDW, vehicle identification BSD C2C and BSD C2TW all getAmamaki aphelele; Ngaphezu kwalokho, ngokuya ngokusebenza kokukhanyisa, njengemoto ye-U-Tours ifakwe imisebenzi efana nokushintshwa okuzenzakalelayo kogongolo oluphansi nokulawulwa okuzenzakalelayo kogongolo oluphezulu, amaphuzu wokuhlola nawoAmamaki aphelele.



. In addition, it is also equipped withUmsebenzi oyingqayizivele wokuqapha izimpawu ezingeni elifanayo ukuqinisekisa ukuphepha kwempilo kwezingane nezilwane ezifuywayo ngesikhathi sangempela. Do the utmost to prevent potential safety hazards.







Email:dflqali@dflzm.com    lixuan@dflzm.com     admin@dflzm-forthing.com

Isikhathi sePosi: Dece-12-2022